Toxicology Report: Cocaine Involved In Kansas City Triple Death

Just moments ago Kansas City news shared in important detail in a triple death investigation that has garnered global news coverage. 

The body of the story only noted this line . . .

"Sources tell FOX4 the report details several substances were found in the men’s systems."

However . . . 

Not included in text but appearing in the news video graphic text . . .  

The station is teasing more on their newscast tonight . . . But here is the official word from police:

“There have been no additional details of this case revealed to any media, nor are there any plans to at this time. The case remains an ongoing death investigation,” a KCPD spokesperson said Thursday.

“Both KCPD Detectives and the Platte County Prosecutor’s Office have been in touch with the deceased men’s families and remain in contact with them as the investigation unfolds.”

Read more via links . . .

Toxicology report back on 3 Kansas City men found dead outside home

Police have received the toxicology report from the investigation into three Kansas City men found dead outside a Northland home last month.

Jordan Willis update as toxicology results timeline revealed

Homicide is not suspected in the case of three football fans found dead in the backyard of a Missouri house.

Developing . . .
