Suspected Dirty Cop Earns Wrist Slap House Arrest For Lunch Against Court Orders

Again . . .

Video promoted widely on social media didn't matter much . . . A bit of reason prevailed and this judge likely noticed that there wasn't much reason to send a dying man to jail amid allegations that are years old and will likely NEVER be settled. 


"During a hearing in the federal courthouse in Topeka, U.S. Magistrate Judge Rachel Schwartz promptly denied prosecutors’ request to detain Golubski until trial — a condition the government sought after Golubski was caught on camera entering a Culver’s fast food restaurant.

"She strongly advised Golubski, a 71-year-old diabetic, to plan ahead for medical emergencies, saying the unsanctioned stop did not align with her house arrest order.

"Earlier this week, federal prosecutors filed a motion to revoke Golubski’s supervised release after learning that a person had filmed him visiting the restaurant at the Legends Outlets in Kansas City, Kansas.

"Under the terms of his pretrial release, Golubski is on location monitoring and largely restricted from travel to places outside of court and doctor’s appointments."

Read more via link . . .

Judge denies request to jail ex-KCK cop Roger Golubski after he violated house arrest

Prosecutors sought to have the ex-detective accused of rape and sex trafficking jailed until trial after he was caught on camera at a Culver's restaurant.
