Postscript: Taylor Swift Baked Pop Tarts For Kansas City Chiefs Offensive Line

Actually . . . For some weird reason . . . I believe every word of this story that might or might not be hitting the tabloids to help people forget about local tragedy following the Super Bowl.


 During an interview with Mike Florio and Chris Simms at the NFL Scouting Combine, Kansas City Chiefs head coach Andy Reid said the pop singer made the team's offensive linemen some homemade pastries.

"Kind of behind-the-scenes, she, to fit in — she didn't even know she was doing this, I don't think — she likes to cook, so she made the offensive linemen these homemade pop tarts," said Reid. "So it was over. She knew right where to go."

 "She didn't give me one, and the offensive linemen definitely didn't give me one," Reid joked of the pop tarts.

Read more via link . . .

Taylor Swift Made Homemade Pop Tarts for the Chiefs, Says Coach Andy Reid

Kansas City Chiefs coach Andy Reid said Taylor Swift baked for the Kansas City Chiefs "behind-the-scenes"
