We notice the newspaper was quick to criticize the move and shared Missouri Democratic Party opposition.

Here's a bit of criticism from the top roller derby competitor Missouri . . . 

"House Minority Leader Crystal Quade, a Springfield Democrat, criticized Parson in a statement, arguing that he should be focused on issues in Missouri such as the hundreds of jobs lost after an aluminum smelter recently closed in the southeastern part of the state.

" 'I bet the 500 folks in the bootheel that lost their jobs a couple weeks ago would rather have the governor focusing on that, instead of wasting tax payer money to fly to TX for a photo op,' Quade, who is running for governor, said in a text message. 'There is a federal bipartisan negotiated bill on the table for the members of Congress. Our governor should be focused on Missouri and saving those jobs.'  "

Meanwhile, check more reporting on the effort . . .

The state currently has roughly 250 Missouri National Guard members deployed to the southern border, but the governor wants more boots on the ground. Over the weekend, Gov. Mike Parson met with governors from more than a dozen states in Texas to get a better idea of Operation Lone Star and to offer more resources.

"When it comes to securing the border to protect the American people, we all become border states," Parson said in an interview Monday. "Gov. Greg Abbott is a good guy, but he is literally the lone ranger in this particular time."

Missouri plans to send more National Guard troops to Texas in the coming weeks. Parson spent Sunday in Eagle Pass, Texas, on his first trip to the southern border, meeting with Gov. Greg Abbott and a dozen other governors.

Read more via link . . .

Missouri's governor prepares to send more troops, resources to southern border

Missouri's governor said he is spending the week figuring out which and how many resources to send to the southern border in Texas.
