Missouri AG Promises Legal Action Against Kansas City Planned Parenthood

Last year Project Veritas released a controversial video claiming that a Kansas City Planned Parenthood facility was seemingly willing to violate Missouri abortion regulations.

Full disclosure . . . Project Veritas has an "embattled" reputation to say the least and their style of journalism has been successful in garnering a vast audience amongst conservatives but has also earned a great deal of mainstream & progressive rebuke along with challenges from authorities

Even better context: James O'Keefe's History of Cringe Dance Videos . . . Embarrassing but also PERFECTLY IN TUNE with the current era of digital journalism. 

Anyhoo . . . For those who haven't seem the Kansas City Planned Parenthood clip . . . Take a peek . . .

No matter where readers might stand on this issue . . . That's shocking stuff. 

Accordingly . . .

This week the MO AG issued a tweet on the topic and we thank KICK-ASS TKC READERS for sending us an update and glimpse of the ongoing discussion . . .  Take a look:

We're not gonna play lawyer on this one but a battle between Planned Parenthood Vs. the Missouri AG sounds like campaign 2024 is kicking into high gear.

Meanwhile, we thank www.TonysKansasCity.com readers for sharing something more interesting & locally connected than more Taylor Swift Super Bowl fashion news. 

Developing . . .
