KCK Mayor Garner Takes Medical Leave

We wish this top ranking elected official from the Dotte a speedy recovery as he does the right thing by way of sharing info with the constituents who WISELY elected him.

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On Friday, Mayor Tyrone Garner publicly announced on the city’s website he was undergoing an undisclosed medical procedure “and will be out of the office throughout my recovery”.

The mayor’s statement also says, “Mayor Pro Tem Tom Burroughs will be stepping in to perform the majority of duties as your Mayor for the duration of my recovery”.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com links . . .

Temporary change of leadership in Kansas City, Kansas following medical procedure for mayor

There's been a change in leadership in Kansas City, Kansas for a yet to be determined amount of time.

Medical procedure sidelines Unified Government Mayor Tyrone Garner, Mayor Pro Tem Tom Burroughs will fill in

Unified Government of Wyandotte County/Kansas City, Kansas Mayor Tyrone Garner announced he will step aside while he recovers from a medical procedure.
