Kansas Progressives Encourage Catholic Leader To Deny Communion Over Gun Rights

Our 2nd favorite prog blog contends that turnabout is fair play when it comes to the rituals of The Church.

Whilst the story is kind of a gag that attempts to draw more attention to the abortion debate . . . The political turnabout deserves consideration if only so locals don't go to Facebook jail when responding to similarly silly ideas on social media OR to prevent eye-roll strain when progressive friends attempting to be clever mention this kind of tact. 


"Kansas City Archbishop Joseph Naumann and all other U.S. bishops should deny communion to any public servants, from state legislators all the way to U.S. Supreme Court Justices, who fail to create and enforce new gun restrictions."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

What Kansas City, Kansas, Archbishop Naumann must do about gun violence - Kansas Reflector

Valentine's Day this year marked another mass shooting, during the Kansas City Chiefs' Super Bowl victory parade.
