Kansas City Star Opinion Seyz Fmr. Prez Trump Part Of Insurrection

Today that Kansas City star publishes a constant refrain from those who want him off the ballot.

Here's the money line that dismisses BI-PARTISAN sentiments that says taking him off the ballot would put Democracy in jeopardy . . . Instead, readers get talking points from MSNBC:

"There are a lot of smart, non-insurrectionist folks who think preemptively preventing Trump from appearing on the ballot is a bad, antidemocratic idea — that the problem of Trumpism is a political problem that can be solved only by soundly defeating Trump on Election Day.

"I don’t agree with those points. Trump and his supporters have proven they’ll never accept a defeat, that they’re willing to lie about elections they lose and that they’ll commit violence in pursuit of their goals. Getting Trump off the ballot won’t solve the problems wrought by the forces he has unleashed in American life, but it would solve the immediate problem of Trump possibly being the next president.

"Still, those folks have a reasonable argument. What isn’t a good argument: That Trump didn’t actually engage in insurrection.

"We all saw it. We saw Trump’s lies about election fraud after the 2020 election.

"We saw Trump call for his supporters to gather in Washington, D.C., on the day that Congress was to certify that election for President Joe Biden. We saw Trump tell those supporters that if they didn’t “fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.” We saw him send those folks to the Capitol. We saw the chaos and violence they committed.

"And we saw Trump’s decision to remain publicly silent for hours while those supporters rampaged."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

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