Kansas City LGBT Commish Endorses Troost Name Change To Truth Ave.

The story of Sojourner Truth is an inspiring tale of persistence, survival and hope. Sadly, it has nothing at all to do with Kansas City. 

However . . . 

Truth Avenue sounds like something from a mediocre detective novel for those don't really care about early American history i.e. most Americans.

Nevertheless . . .

For Black History month the push is back on to rename Troost and the public opinion testimony has already started. 

Today, the Kansas City LGBT commish released a statement in support of the name change. The group now claims it's a "Black collective" despite more than a few white members and probably a couple of Latino tokens thrown in for good luck. 

Here's the word . . .

Our commission unequivocally stands in support of Kansas City Ordinance 240160–an ordinance that would rename Troost Avenue to 'Truth Avenue.'

“Our commission is made up of a collective of Black Kansas Citians from across our community who stand against the honoring of a man who enslaved our ancestors.”

Take a look via www.TonysKansasCity.com embed . . .
