Kansas City 'Chiefs Fatigue' Confirmed

An exceptional column suggested by KICK-ASS TKC READERS shares a valid and typically "New York" point of view . . .

"If Chiefs Fatigue is a Thing — and outside of Missouri and Kansas and the legion of fantasy-team owners for whom regularly drafting Mahomes has meant consistently finishing in the money, it is 100 percent a Thing — the best explanation is also the easiest explanation, and in many ways the single most complimentary thing you can ever say about a team or an athlete."

"They’re just good.

"They’re too damned good."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Chiefs Fatigue is real - and it's bigger than just Taylor Swift

You can blame Taylor Swift if you want, that's fine. You can blame Patrick Mahomes and his wife, Brittany. But either way, Chief Fatigue is real.
