Kansas City Celebrates 2024 Extra Day Of Black History Month

Just posting a funny to lighten the mood around this dump . . .

This historic moment in public transit journalism is TOTALLY INAPPROPRIATE but we hope & pray that the kind of person who reads TKC . . . Regardless of demographic background . . . Will find this hilarious . . . And if you don't, you're totes missing the "spirit" of our blog community: 

Sent this to one of the smartest people I know and they made me chuckle by writing back: 

"Stay Strong Rosa!!!" 

Here's something a bit more inspiring and a bit of real local history . . . 

"Charlie Parker’s music has lived on for generations after he passed. People all over the globe still like to say, “Bird lives!” Charlie Parker’s signature sound changed music forever.

“Charlie Parker is one of the only musicians that I’ve ever heard of that’s consistently compared to Mozart consistently,” Lonnie McFadden from Lonnie’s Reno Club said.

"Born in Kansas City, Kansas, in 1920, Parker’s family moved to the KCMO side of the border, just as the music scene here exploded into national prominence."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Charlie Parker's jazz legacy in Kansas City lives on, a look back on his impact

People from all over the world are still coming to Kansas City to pay their respects to Charlie Parker, one of the true giants of American jazz.

And if you're reading this closely . . . Apropos for #TBT we have to share a song that's a guilty pleasure and makes us feel old because TKC ACTUALLY ENJOYS THIS OLD SCHOOL TUNE by The Neville Brothers:
