Kansas City 'Buy Black' Expo Also Selling Slavery Reparations Support

Fact check . . .

Outside of Kansas City's activist circle . . . A lot of people are VERY SKEPTICAL about the push for slavery reparations.

A recent pledge from Mayor Q to fund the effort with another HALF MILLION BUCKS makes it seem like a few people will profit from "the study" of this effort whilst the rest of the community will be left out in the cold. Again.

In the meantime . . . Here's a pitch for a local merchant celebration that seems to be hoping more people will sign on to support the sketchy municipal legislation . . .

"The Expo arrives at a moment of significant momentum within Kansas City’s reparations movement, following the creation of the city’s historic Reparations Commission last year.

"Leveraging the energy and focus of the community, the event aims to not just recognize the need for reparations but actively participate in the broader national dialogue and action towards restitution. "

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Buy Black Expo 2024 is a Milestone for KC's Reparations Movement

Join the 2024 Buy Black Expo for a landmark event that champions Black-owned business, reparations and cooperative economics.
