Johnson County Post Promotes Trans Activist Tell-All Life Story

Our 2nd favorite Golden Ghetto blog offers a bit of promo for a new tome from a local headline maker. 

Respect for the written word is a big part of the blogging discourse but we have to wonder how much this treatise will resonate with suburbanites in Red State Kansas. 

Ultimately . . . Readers will decide. 

For now, we share background deeds and links to more info . . .

The memoir takes readers through her journey from contemplating life in 2018 to New Year’s Eve 2021, the year she underwent a gender transition.

Hazel Krebs said she wanted to write the book to share her journey to finding a life she loves to live.

“This is my story of how I found a life I am enthusiastic to live,” Krebs said. “For me, being transgender, finding who I am through transition, has given me a life.”

Read more via link . . .

Prairie Villager Hazel Krebs releases self-discovery memoir

Hazel Krebs, a Prairie Village trans woman, recently released a memoir to share her journey from the lowest day of her life to her gender transition.

For the truly curious . . . Here's a place to buy her book:

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Developing . . .
