Jackson County Talks Gun Crackdown Despite Missouri Law

Police, activists and experts participated in this gun takeaway round-table which tacitly admits there's not much these locals can do UNTIL/IF/WHEN/IF EVER Missouri decides to change 2nd Amendment Constitutional protections.


"Legislators heard from community members and experts during their second committee hearing focused on gun violence.

"Experts that spoke Monday included a federal gun licensee, the Director of the Independence Health Department, and the Commander of the Kansas City Police Violent Crime Division.

"All talked about the ease at which people can get guns in Missouri, and police specifically talked about how many homicides and shootings in Kansas City are the result of arguments that get out of hand."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com links . . .

Jackson County lawmakers hold second committee hearing on gun violence

Experts included a federal gun licensee, the Director of the Independence Health Department, and the Commander of the Kansas City Police Violent Crime Division.

KC community members seek solutions for arguments that end in violent crime

A lack of conflict resolution skills is a big factor in the endless violent crime across the metropolitan area.
