Critics Call Out Lathrop Amid IHOPKC Crisis

Thanks to our KICK-ASS BLOG COMMUNITY for sending this perspective and more context to an ongoing controversy amongst this faith community . . . Here's the word for Sunday . . .

"For years, the well-heeled KC-based Lathrop & Gage law firm relentlessly battled victims of child molesting Catholic clerics on behalf of the KC MO diocese. These days, the aggressive attorneys are defending officials at IHOP, the International House of Prayer, who have been accused of committing or concealing similar crimes."

Read more via link . . .

Report: Mike Bickle Had 'Inappropriate' Sexual Contact with 2nd 'Jane Doe,' Likely Abused Power | The Roys Report

IHOPKC Founder Mike Bickle had sexual contact with a second, previously unreported Jane Doe victim and likely abused his power, report finds.
