Show-Me Freedom Caucus Stripped

That post title sounds more fun than Republican infighting . . . Here's the highlight from progressive newsies delighting in the hot mess . . . Check-it:

The leader of the Missouri Senate has stripped several members of the Missouri Freedom Caucus from chairmanships of committees in an ongoing battle for operational control.

“The beginning of the 2024 legislative session in the Senate has been nothing short of an embarrassment,” Senate President Pro Tem Caleb Rowden, R-Coumbia, said Tuesday, flanked by 14 fellow Republican senators. “A chamber designed to be occupied with civil, principled statesmen and women has been overtaken by a small group of swamp creatures, who all too often remind me more of my children than my colleagues.”

Read more via links . . .

Missouri Freedom Caucus members stripped of Senate committee chair positions

The far-right group of lawmakers have repeatedly clashed with Republican leaders. The actions from the Missouri Senate's leader comes days after the Missouri Freedom Caucus successfully held up a set of gubernatorial appointments from being approved.

Years of Missouri Senate Republican infighting comes to a breaking point, and the loss of parking

A yearslong rift between a small band of defiant Missouri state senators and fellow Republicans in leadership on Tuesday reached what one lawmaker called a pivotal moment.

Developing . . .
