Newsflash: Kansas City Homeless Suffer Health Problems & Misfortune

This winter homeless campers earned the spotlight of progressive media.

From our vantage the coverage is welcomed but often FAILS to include relevant details about substance abuse problems rampant in this community that prevent them from qualifying for shelter opportunities. 

Still . . . Even if a great deal of it is self-inflicted or part of a tragic circumstance, there is no denying the tragic reality of the situation . . .

Across greater Kansas City, at least 3,000 people are living at least part-time on the streets. One of them was found dead a few blocks from the Beehive clinic last week. Whipsaw weather saps people’s energy and attacks their hands and feet.

“We have seen quite a bit of trench foot, particularly last week,” the founder and CEO of Care Beyond the Boulevard, a group that provides free, mobile medical help.

The recent cold snap has seen high temperatures in the single digits and wind chills as low as 40 below zero.

Read more via link . . .

Kansas City's brutal winter weather brings injuries and illness for unsheltered people

Across greater Kansas City, at least 3,000 people live at least part-time on the streets. This January, trench foot, frostbite and COVID-19 are surging.
