Newsflash: Kansas City Crazy For CIDS

Push back against sketchy taxing districts has been a common complaint of small biz who are often taxes out of existence by one scheme after the next.

Today . . . Public radio finally discovers this longstanding local wheel of corruption . . . Check-it:

According to a 2023 fiscal report, there are currently 90 separate CIDs throughout the city. Like many of the city’s alphabet soup of economic development programs, community improvement districts are meant to fuel improvements on a specific property or throughout a certain neighborhood, either through a special assessment or a sales tax increase. They’re particularly popular for the city’s entertainment and commercial neighborhoods.

The city report shows community improvement districts collected $31.7 million in total revenues in the 2023 fiscal year.

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Kansas City's community improvement districts spur development, but lack oversight

These special taxing districts are especially popular in the city's commercial and entertainment districts. But some reports have revealed a lack of accountability and oversight.
