Lenexa Catholics Confront KCK Archbishop Naumann Over Accusations Against Priest

The newspaper documents suburban drama and alleged indifference from a top ranking local cleric. 

Here's the money line that offers a glimpse at the emotionally charged conversation:

At one point, I heard a man on an audio recording of one of the meetings ask Naumann to please stop disrespecting him by doing that: “I just asked myself, are my children safer today than they were two weeks ago when this decision was made? And I have to trust my judgment and say no. And so again, I mean — why are you looking at me like that? I’m starting to get frustrated. You’re rolling your eyes!”

People were also crying, crying out and begging the archbishop not to divide or even destroy their wonderful, vibrant parish by, as they see it, putting their children at risk. They also told him he didn’t seem to care what they thought.

He said he did care, but also had to stand up for truth, the rights of accused priests and the idea that we’re all innocent until proven guilty.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Parent to archbishop who sent accused priest to Lenexa: 'You're rolling your eyes!' | Opinion

Father John Pilcher told the congregation at Holy Trinity that when he was in Topeka, "an allegation was brought up against me." Parishioners exploded. From Melinda Henneber:
