Kansas Flat Tax Awaits Guv Kelly Cut

Don't mistake this for pessimism but . . .

So far human life on planet Earth isn't about much more than fighting over money. 

What makes politics so much fun is that it's about fighting over OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY

Accordingly . . .

Here's relevant info about two equally flawed economic theories . . .

"The GOP-supermajority Legislature approved a plan to cut income, sales and property taxes by a total of nearly $1.6 billion over the next three years. But Gov. Laura Kelly is expected to veto the bill because it would move Kansas to a single personal income tax rate of 5.25% to replace three rates that now top out at 5.7%."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

GOP lawmakers approve a 'flat' income tax for Kansas, but a governor's veto looms - Newstalk KZRG

TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) - Republican lawmakers in Kansas on Thursday passed a broad package of tax cuts promoted as widespread relief that the Democratic governor is
