Insiders seem to hint that Clay County merely served as a convenient distraction during Royals Stadium talks.
Meanwhile . . .
The Northland has never served as a reliable voting bloc because of SHAMEFULLY LOW VOTER TURNOUT NUMBERS.
Of course we love this town just as much as any other part of our beautiful metro area . . .
However . . .
The reality is that Jeff Roe's Axiom has a strangle hold on the politics of this community and minor social media stars mistakenly believe they are now "power players" just because they scared a bunch of senior citizens our of office about 10 years ago.
Meanwhile, we like this news story that pretty much encapsulates our blog community reporting . . .
"The Royals won't comment publicly on Clay County Commissioner Jason Withington Withington's remarks. The city did not return FOX4's call and email Wednesday."
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
Clay County leader sheds light on Royals' stadium decision
One Clay County leader says the Kansas City Royals are considering building their new ballpark in the Crossroads, not the East Village.
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