Kansas City Police Rank & File Rage After Top Cop Earns $40K Raise

Today www.TonysKansasCity.com shares an editorial note sent our way that also contains BREAKING NEWS

The basics that we have confirmed for the sake of accuracy . . . 

KCPD Chief Stacey Graves recently earned a raise of $40k annually.

This was a 20% raise.

She now will earn $240K a year.

Here is a passage that details the action from the latest Kansas City Police Board meeting transcript: 

"Following a motion by Mayor Lucas, and a second by Commissioner Cramer, the Board voted to raise Chief Stacey Graves’s salary to $240,000 per year, effective as of January 23, 2024.  The vote was 4-0 in favor.  Following polling, Commissioner Dean voted Aye, Commissioner Cramer voted Aye, Commissioner Whittaker voted Aye, and Mayor Lucas voted Aye."

Notice that the decision was unanimous. 

Now . . . 

As post title notes, this a message from a member of the rank & file . . . We do not assume that all workers feel this way. In fact, we've noted that Chief Graves was universally beloved BEFORE she earned the top job. However, we trust our source enough to share this editorial and realize that the OPINION, is, in fact, a sentiment part of growing criticism directed at Chief Graves. 

Now, here's the guest editorial sent to TKC . . .

KCPD Chief Salary Raise

What do you do with a police chief has a husband who quit the department in the midst of controversy, has the longest 911 hold times in the history of the KCPD, record high homicide rates, officers leaving at a record pace, cannot recruit officers or call takers, and who is completely detached from those that she is supposed to be leading?

You give her a raise of course.

Yesterday Stacy G was granted a raise of $40k annually.  That is the third raise in her less than 2 years as chief.  She now will make $240K a year.


There is supposedly no money in the budget to pay them a competitive wage, so they are all leaving to go work for other agencies. Not only are they paid far below the industry average, they are forced to work mandatory overtime because we cannot recruit anyone.  

We are down over 300 officers.

We cannot recruit officers. Some of that is because of social issues and the negative light portrayed on police, but other departments that pay a competitive wage are still recruiting.  

A KCPD  officer with 20+ years on the job, a sterling work history and many commendations who is topped out will make less than other local departments are paying as a starting salary.   

Factor in the pension plan and vesting, and it makes it hard for our more seasoned officers to up and leave.  We have lost dozens of officers to Clay County, North Kansas City and Riverside, who all pay better and have less crime (and prosecutors who don’t routinely try to put cops in jail).

We, the “rank and file”  have had two raises in the past 7 years.  Most recently was last year. That was a 4% COLA increase. I believe the one prior to that was 5%.  While Stagnant Stacy continues to “build bridges” with dead bodies, and can only respond with  “I hear you” when confronted with legitimate questions and issues that a chief should be able and willing to address, our department is going to sh*t.  So ... With all these problems in the KCPD doesn’t it make perfect sense that we are rewarding our useless chief with a 20% raise???


Developing . . .
