Kansas City Approves Hate Crime Law

At the outset of this year, once again, our www.TonysKansasCity.com blog community notices that social justice advocacy leads the way for Kansas City elected officials. 

Today on social media, for better or worse, this event was celebrated by diverse communities and there seems to be hope that this legislation will make KCMO a more accepting, tolerant and peaceful place.

A local news quote . . . 

"Four KCMO council members Crispin Rea, Eric Bunch, Jonathan Duncan and Lindsey French co-sponsored Ordinance 231032.

"The ordinance enhances municipal offenses that are motivated by bias against race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability of a victim."

Another perspective . . .

Here's a statement from activist Justice Horn who worked a great deal on this legislation . . . 

For even more detail, we share this press release from the LGBT Commish: 

Kansas City Council enacts hate crimes ordinance in the City of Kansas City, Missouri

Ordinance 231032 establishes a hate-offense at the municipal level and creates a penalty for certain municipal offenses motivated by hate and/or bias.

KANSAS CITY, MO. (January 11, 2023) – In August of this year, the LGBTQ Commission wrote a letter to the City of Kansas City urging them to create policy around hate crimes in the City of Kansas City. After several months of meetings and city staff meeting with stakeholders, a hate crimes ordinance was enacted in the City of Kansas City Thursday, January 11th in a unanimous vote by the city council.

Ordinance 231032 establishes a hate offense at the municipal level and creates a penalty for certain municipal offenses motivated by hate and/or bias. If a city prosecutor believes an offense is motivated by hate, they can pursue a conviction of the underlying offense, and then make their case to prove a bias-motivational factor to obtain an enhanced sentence. The enhancement would be for up to an additional 60 days and would run consecutive, not concurrent, to the sentence for the underlying charge. This ordinance was championed by Councilwoman Andrea Bough (6th District At-Large) and was co-sponsored by Councilman Duncan (6th District), Councilman Rea (4th District At-Large), Councilwoman Lindsay French (2nd At-Large), Councilman Wes Rogers (2nd In-District), and Councilman Bunch (4th District In-District).

From our commission chair, Justice Horn: “May this send a clear signal to those who may seek to harm and cause terror to any community in Kansas City—you will be held accountable under the law in the City of Kansas City.” 


Developing . . .
