Kansas Chamber Fights For Plastic Freedom

Actually . . . We can see their perspective if only because nuisance legislation against straws is mostly used as résumé fodder or ambitious Gen Z politicos hoping to score easy & early victories against consumer convenience that don't really help save the planet.

Here's the biz push back . . .

"The bill aggressively promoted by the Kansas Chamber would forbid municipal bans on plastic straws and the thin, cheap plastic shopping bags often given consumers by retail stores and carryout restaurants. The prohibition would broadly define auxiliary containers as cups, packages and bottles made of cloth, paper, plastic, foamed plastic, cardboard, aluminum, glass or a recycled material."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Kansas bill ending municipal regulation of plastic bags, containers raises constitutional issue - Kansas Reflector

A Kansas Senate committee gathered testimony on a House bill prohibiting cities and counties from regulating or taxing containers used by merchants.
