End game for one of the nicer places known for great old school computer access without hobos making everybody uncomfortable by searching for pr0n in public . . . Here's a note on the transition:
The library first opened in 1956 as a leased space and served as the Johnson County Library's headquarters at one point. Nearly one million items have been checked out from the Antioch Library over the course of five years and it's one of the most popular libraries for computer use.
"We're trying to make an empty building into a library so it does take a while to pack up all the books," said Elissa Andre, Marketing Communications Manager for Johnson County Library, " we've got years and years of records and documents, we found boxes of old photographs of people that haven't worked here in decades."
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
Antioch library set to close by the end of January
Johnson County's oldest library branch will permanently close its doors January 28th, but a new branch will open not far away this spring.
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