Golden Ghetto Bricks Scanners: Johnson County Po-Po 'Encryption Day' Coming Soon

Actually, this is glimpse at technology advances cutting both ways and it for every complaint about transparency there's also legit concern about privacy . . . Check-it:

Law enforcement officials see it as the day they take back control over how much of their operations — including sensitive private information on the people they encounter — will go out over airwaves to be noted by anyone with the right technology.

Scanner listeners, including some local crime journalists, see it differently.

To them, “Encryption Day” will be the day the lights dim over police transparency, the day their desktop scanners become expensive paperweights and phone apps all but useless in finding out what’s going in real time with local law enforcement.

“Once encryption happens, there is no expectation of accountability to the public about any agency’s action. At least not in any meaningful way,” wrote Cartherine Kost, administrator of the Johnson County KS Community and Police Scanner Group.

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Johnson County police scanners will soon go silent. What will that mean for transparency?

More than a dozen law enforcement agencies - from Overland Park to Prairie Village - will be encrypting their primary channels so listeners can't hear what police and dispatchers are saying over the air.
