Former Prez Trump Launches Political Vendetta Against Jeff Roe & Axiom

Apropos for #TBT we check in with a political player who earned a great many victories in Kansas City and his firm that still serves Mayor Q and quite a few council candidates. 

Here's the MAGA political push back for backing the wrong guy, again . . .

“It’s an open secret that candidates who want to stay on President Trump’s good side should not hire Axiom,” said one of the four people, an influential Republican strategist who was granted anonymity to speak candidly. “They are enemy No. 1.”

The attempt to isolate Roe highlights the lengths to which Trump will go to enforce loyalty — and punish disloyalty — to him within the GOP. The former president is known to keep close tabs on which elected officials have endorsed him, how strongly they’ve expressed support and whether they stuck by him during low points.

Mr. Roe has survived worse and has an uncanny ability to inevitably win over detractors with the quality of his work. 

For instance . . .

Not so long ago there was a time when every KCMO newsie and loyal Democratic Party denizen regarded the guy as public enemy #1 . . . Now, as we noted at the top of this post . . . MOST Kansas City politicos and even some of this town's most progressive voices rely on Axiom or Remington Research for their campaigns.

Read more via link . . .

Trump seeks revenge on ex-DeSantis operative

The admonition is another example of the former president's penchant for punishing people perceived as disloyal.
