Even Kansas City Hipsters Doubt Traditional Empty Anti-Crime Rhetoric

Obligatory responses about reducing violence confront rising skepticism from locals.

Credit to The Pitch for running this DESERVEDLY DUBIOUS analysis . . . 

"While steps in the right direction, these stats are just the first of many that are touted as victories in the war on violence, despite being such a small, nebulous sampling that conclusively connecting this to any kind of actual change feels like a bridge too far."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Omaha's Stakes: KC pins its violence reduction hopes on an unproven program, leaving us with a familiar pattern of platitudes in place of progress

Over the last 20 years, the 4.16 square miles that make up the Santa Fe neighborhood has accounted for 20.5% of total homicides in the metro.

Related and follow-up to our morning post . . .

Mayor Quinton Lucas talks homicide rate, Royals Stadium, safer streets in 2024

"There's a lot more work to do, but I think it is a great time to be a Kansas City."

Developing . . .
