Zombie Deer Threat In Missouri & Kansas?!?

Almost . . .

The deets of a deer disease is spreading and sparking this warning from local officials . . . Check-it:

The disease, which forms a plaque over the animal’s brain and leaves holes in the organ tissue, has been detected in 31 states since 1980, including Missouri and a majority of Kansas counties.

The first case of CWD in Kansas was documented in 2001. As of June 2023, CWD has been detected in 971 wild free-ranging deer.

How can Kansas and Missouri hunters help stop the spread of CWD? “In deer carcasses, the prions responsible for CWD are concentrated in the brain and spinal cord,” Schuler says. “Debone the carcass where it is killed to avoid transporting those to unaffected populations. Don’t transport dead deer, and don’t use natural deer urine.” Hunters are encouraged to have their kills tested for CWD to insure it is safe to eat as well as to help track the disease through deer populations.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

A brain disease affecting Kansas and Missouri deer is slowly spreading.

A neurological brain disease, often referred to as Zombie Deer Disease is affecting Kansas and Missouri deer populations is slowly spreading.
