Softball Interview With Exec Fran White Reveals 'Calm' As Kansas City Royals Depart

Reader warning . . .

Today's Kansas City Star newspaper report regarding the progress of Royals stadium talks is pure propaganda from 12th & Oak. Nothing about it resembles the reality of the current discussion save for a few dates and names. 

Behind the scenes everyone has realized that the Jackson County Exec is doing his best to tank negotiations and take revenge on critics and his former team. 

Here's the newspaper attempting to enforce another narrative on the local discourse . . . Check-it: 

In his first extensive interview about the stadium issue since negotiations began several months ago, White asked for patience as he captains the county’s negotiating team. He shrugs off those who have criticized him for stalling, or even impeding, negotiations with the Royals and Chiefs — what he thinks of as his calm, methodical approach.

What would be the county’s share of a downtown baseball stadium and upgrades for the Chiefs at Arrowhead, and what would taxpayers get out of that kind of tax investment?

Those questions won’t be answered until the leases have been signed. White worries that taxpayers could get a raw deal that would cost them and their grandkids far more than it should, if the county isn’t careful and doesn’t take the time to get it right.

“What we’re trying to do is get the teams to understand our needs,” White told The Star

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Is Frank White stalling on KC stadium talks? He says he wants better deal for taxpayers

Some claim Jackson County Executive Frank White has dragged out negotiations for new stadium leases. He says he's looking out for taxpayers.
