Rising Kansas City Crime Killing Streetcar?!?

Transit activists will lie right to everyone's face and tell us that streetcar ridership is stronger now that it was BEFORE the pandemic. These folks might even have phony numbers attempting to back up their claims.

Meanwhile back in reality . . .

A simple look at the mostly empty toy train reveals that it's mostly empty, most of the time.

Of course COVID and its impact took the steam out of this over-hyped mode of transit. But that's not all. 

Notice that hope and public excitement about the streetcar has declined amid rising KCMO deadly violence. At the outset of yet another year for record homicides it seems that a decline in relevance for the toy train might also be related to fear of worsening public safety overall and fewer people willing to brave a trip to Downtown and endure statistically more dangerous circumstances.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

4 The People: KC's transportation goals, Crossroads safety

On this weeks' 4 The People, FOX4 talks to guests who discuss how realistic future area transportation goals are, and what's being done to promote safety in the Crossroads
