NextGen Kansas City Hobo Helper Earns Humanitarian Cash Prize

Let's start the day with a bit of irony . . . This youthful do-gooder earns cash for helping broke-ass locals who might have been better served by just giving them a bit of cash than the involving them in a self-perpetuating welfare state . . . Check-it:

"Josh Henges has committed his professional career to working with unhoused individuals. In January 2022, Kansas City, Missouri, named Henges the city's first homelessness prevention coordinator, charged with guiding and implementing strategic policies to address at-risk and unhoused individuals."

Read more via link . . .

Josh Henges awarded Pinnacle Prize for work with Kansas City's houseless population

The Pinnacle Prize, established by philanthropist Kenneth and Ann Baum, is awarded each year to two Kansas Citians 40 years and younger who have shown a commitment to improving the lives of residents. Josh Henges, the city's first homelessness prevention coordinator, is one of this year's winners.
