New Climate Report Threatens Midwest

Interesting juxtaposition here . . . 

Worsening climate change is blamed for both floods & drought. 

For those the "trust the science" we wanted to share this dire warning . . .

The fifth National Climate Assessment found as climate conditions worsen, public and environmental health and the economy of the region are all at risk.

“Rising temperatures, extreme precipitation, drought, and other climate-related events in the Midwest are impacting agriculture, ecosystems, cultural practices, health, infrastructure, and waterways,” the report states.

Hotter summers and weather that swings between extreme drought and flooding threaten crops and livestock production throughout the region. On top of that, the report notes milder winters are allowing pests that wreak havoc on crops to expand throughout the region.

Read more via link . . .

U.S. climate report issues stark warnings for Midwest ag, health and infrastructure

The fifth National Climate Assessment says a warming climate, increasingly extreme weather and drought are threatening the Midwest's economy and health.
