Missouri Audit: Jackson County Property Tax Assessments FAIL State Law

Today marks an important milestone in local history . . .


We'll keep this short & simple so that we can all understand . . .

"The notification that was given was inaccurate and often untimely," Missouri State Auditor Scott Fitzpatrick's initial report on the audit stated. "As a result, Jackson County property owners may not have known they were entitled to an exterior inspection and to request an interior inspection, and were denied the benefit of these physical inspections before their timeline for appeal expired."

Fitzpatrick believes the department's failure to follow state law "should invalidate" valuation increases of over 15%.

Now, behind the scenes, there's already a bit of skepticism about how some legislators are portraying the audit. 

For right now, here's first word on the topic from 6th District Legislator and congressional candidate Sean Smith . . .

"Moments ago, we received a copy of the preliminary audit report relating to the 2023 Jackson County Reassessment.  In that report the auditor provides a clear and objective view of key deficiencies in the reassessment process.  The deficiencies outlined are clear evidence that the Jackson County Assessor failed to comply with state law on any increase in property value greater than 15%.  

"I am requesting that our Legislative Chairman schedule an emergency meeting so that we can enact appropriate remediation recommendations to be taken up by the Board of Equalization.  Absent immediate action by the Jackson County Board of Equalization, I request that the State Tax Commission take remediation action on behalf of ALL IMPACTED taxpayers.  The lawful and appropriate action is to immediately set a 14.9% CAP on increases for 2023 reassessments.

"The unlawful reassessment that has placed a massive financial and emotional hardship on so many Jackson County residents must be immediately corrected.  I am disappointed that these issues which were first highlighted months ago hasn't yet been resolved.  The resulting adverse impact on our community that this delay has caused will require a cooperative effort from all Jackson County elected officials and Missouri state officials to fully correct.  I stand committed and ready to do my part to correct this debacle."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com links . . .

Missouri auditor: Jackson County assessment process violated state law

The 2023 Jackson County property assessment process did not comply with Missouri law, according to an initial report Missouri State Auditor Scott Fitzpatrick released Monday.

'Deficiencies and noncompliance' found in preliminary audit of 2023 Jackson County property tax assessment process

As part of the preliminary assessment, the auditor's office noted an increase in valuation for around 238,000 residential parcels, totaling over $2.6 billion.

State auditor blasts Jackson County in initial review of property tax assessment

The audit points out homeowners should have been notified and offered interior inspections at the same time as exterior inspections.

Jackson County assessment process violated state law: Missouri auditor

The Missouri State Auditor was blunt Monday as he laid out his audit of Jackson County assessments: The county's process violated state law.

Developing . . .
