Kansas City Needs More Narcan?!?

The local news cartel is pushing "harm reduction" strategies on the cowtown discourse. 

Our view of the addiction conversation . . .

Kansas City has infinite love, hope and sadness regarding drunks trying to put down the bottle, can or trendy fruity-ass vodka beverage pushed by corporate booze juggernauts. 

However . . . Local patience for junkies is limited. 

Accordingly, here's a glimpse at a local strategy that argues for more live saving measures for drug addicts.

To be fair . . . Some of their tactics make sense . . . But the logical outcome of this philosophy SOMETIMES has municipalities helping addicts shoot up


“We want naloxone in everyone’s first aid kit, absolutely,” said Johnson, a harm-reduction specialist at First Call, a Kansas City nonprofit focused on helping people struggling with drug and alcohol addiction. “More importantly, we want naloxone present at every single overdose.”

Despite efforts to make Narcan much more widely available, addiction experts in Kansas City say lifesaving medication gets tucked away in medicine cabinets, at health clinics or on store shelves where it goes unused.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

KC Beacon: Narcan saves lives — if you can find it in Kansas City

Developing . . .
