Johnson County Sheriff STILL Investigating 2020 Election & Chinese Communist Party

This info is from a conservative blog that actually does some pretty great research . . .

The share a straight forward accounting . . . 

Whilst TKC respects every investigation of the po-po . . . We could also still search for whoever started the Great Chicago Fire of 1871 . . . Forgive TKC for imagining that the Golden Ghetto might have bigger priorities . . .

Still, reader mileage may vary and we want to know if anybody thinks this research might be worth it or likely to produce tangible results for taxpayers . . . TKC promises to keep an open mind given that we've shared our skepticism . . . Check-it:

Sheriff Calvin Hayden’s department has been battling over the ballots with the county commission, which last week voted to appoint bipartisan overseers for the ballots’ impending destruction at the urging of Secretary of State Scott Schwab and state law.

“We want to ensure you know we have an open criminal investigation concerning these past elections,” Hayden’s office wrote to the commission Dec. 5. “Potential evidence for this investigation should not be destroyed, especially prior to our review and examination of said evidence.”

The letter alerts the county that the sheriff’s office is awaiting data from a prior Los Angeles investigation into Chinese Communist Party ties to Konnech Inc.’s election software, and of Americans’ personal information being shared with China – some of which may be pertinent to Johnson County because it used Konnech.

Read more via link . . .

Amid an investigation of possible fraud in the 2020 election, Johnson County may still destroy the ballots

The destruction of Johnson County's 2020 general election ballots appears imminent, despite an ongoing sheriff's investigation into the vote's integrity and a citizen watchdog's firm belief th...
