Homeless Need More Resources In The Dotte

Here's a glimpse at worsening American scarcity on the Kansas side of the metro as this enclave struggles to keep up with a growing "unhoused" population that they can't send over the Missouri side any more thanks to the ubiquity of modern day surveillance . . . Here's the word:

The Kansas City area as a whole struggles to string together a system of shelters that meet needs of people who could be looking for refuge for a night, or seeking enough temporary stability to find long-term housing in homes or apartments.

That shortfall poses enough difficulty during good weather. But when winter freezes arrive, the stakes rocket up and finding a warm place to bed down becomes a matter of survival.

That problem looks particularly troubling in Wyandotte County, where a range of aid groups are trying to piece together shelters for this winter.

“Cold weather shelter is a community project. Providers addressing homelessness really rally around it,” said Rob Santel, director of programs for Cross-Lines Community Outreach.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Unhoused KCK residents want permanent emergency shelter

Come spring, winter shelter in Wyandotte County will end, and with it all the emergency shelter in the area. Locals and service providers say a new solution is needed.
