Hipsters: Corporate Kansas City Skimps On Climate Change Funding

On this balmy December night, we file this one under . . . "As the world burns" . . . And then, maybe, put it in the same folder for light reading in these last 8 years we have left before skyfall predicted by AOC

The upshot . . .


This might be a blessing in disguise given that so much of this cash is often awarded to gas bags who supply a seemingly endless stream of hot air on the topic. 

TKC IDEA: Political eco-chatter might be a renewable resource if we could only hook up TikTok to treadmills and require peddling to supply energy/access . . . Matrix style . . . We'll let you know how the research goes on that one.

But I digress . . .

Here's the money line that hopefully will elicit some kind of payout to our local hipsters who might to need to refresh their supply of clever t-shirts . . . Check-it:

This December, Kansas City has seen a high of 66 degrees, not uncommon for the Midwest town, but the summers and shifts in precipitation are where climate change is currently taking its toll. This previous summer, on Aug. 21, Kansas City saw its hottest day on record at 118.9 degrees in terms of heat index.

The root cause of these movements in the city’s weather patterns can be attributed to climate change: Something that is catastrophically crucial for individuals to be aware of for the sake of the planet’s future.

While some may be educated on the topic, they still fail to take action.

Large corporations who consider Kansas City their home base, are some of the biggest contributors to the issue of climate change, yet they seem to not bat an eye.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Major Kansas City corporations are failing to tackle climate action plans, according to new report

Kansas City's ten largest companies are falling short in terms of taking the lead on climate action, although they make up most of the issue.
