Here's an important reminder that just a bit of holiday malaise might be helpful to conserve energy and avoid unnecessary complications.
OR . . .
We present more glorious evidence of a "just world" given that no good deed ever goes unpunished.
Drive carefully and check this report regarding a deadly local car crash . . .
"The man had stopped his vehicle on the east side of 38th to assist a houseless individual on the west side of the street, per KCKPD.
"As he was crossing the road to re-enter his vehicle, the 80-year-old man was struck by a northbound-traveling vehicle.
"He died at the scene."
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
80-year-old struck, killed Sunday in KCK accident
An 80-year-old man was struck and killed Sunday in Kansas City, Kansas. Police report the accident took place around 1:40 p.m. near 38th Street and Interstate 635.
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