Did Kansas City Mayor Q Just Blame MAGA For EPIC Homicides???

To be fair . . . 

Kansas City's Mayor ALSO seems to be blaming old school talk radio for KC's worst crisis in the history of this town. 

Context . . .

Mayor Q has presided over the bloodiest years in Kansas City history and at the conclusion of the 2023 slaughter he's seemingly looking to shift blame to ANYBODY else.

Of course, the newspaper dutifully carries his message without any critical questions . . .

In our deadliest year yet, public safety is still our No. 1 challenge, along with the related issues of local control of and community confidence in the KCPD. But the state-appointed board of police commissioners is working less politically together for the common good now, the mayor says, in a way that at least makes progress more possible. And why is that?

Because, Lucas says, we’re further removed all the time from the post-George Floyd “politics of 2020.” We’re further away from “a time that sucked,” and from the tendency to “play the politics of the Trump era.” That is, to see everything as “are you with us or against us” in a way that was always “preposterous, since I don’t know a single Kansas Citian who doesn’t want fewer homicides. I’m glad we’re moving away from the somewhat trite debates you might still hear on talk radio” but that do nothing to actually help anyone. We hope that’s right.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

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