Decide: Immigrant Families Burden NextGen By Not Learning English?!?

Here's a debate that progressive middle-class white people are making worse . . . 


Remember that TKC is an urban basement blogger with an elementary understanding of Spanish and a deep love for Latino culture.

However . . . 

Even we can feel a bit "overwhelmed" when the El Choppo Supermarket in The Dotte sounds like San Pedro Sula, Honduras. 

Go ahead . . . Call me a "pocho" but there's no denying the utility of knowing the "language of the oppressor" and here's what stands out in this report . . .

Progressives demanding more translation services might do well to note that real world application never lives up to expectation and newbie American families are often placing an unfair burden on youngsters who serve as interpreter . . . Honest encouragement to learn English and ignoring the fear of "cultural supremacy" might better serve these families and help to open up the American labor market . . . 

But all of this is on our betters given that so many people don't really mind ordering an Egg McMuffin in EspaƱol . . . Check-it:  

Immigrant families often see the largest use of language brokers in the U.S. More than 50% of children living in immigrant families in the U.S. have at least one parent who struggles to speak English, according to data collected by the Annie E. Casey Foundation.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 mandates that any institution receiving federal funds must provide access to interpretation services to people with limited English skills.

However, when organizations can’t or won’t provide these services due to shortages of qualified interpreters, families are pushed to use their children and young adults who have more exposure to English.

They’re used frequently in the governmental, educational and medical institutions of Kansas and Missouri, according to Christy Moreno, chief community advocacy and impact officer at the education and language access non-profit, RevoluciĆ³n Educativa.

“Typically, because it is actually against policy and legislation to use children as interpreters, (when it happens it) is never recorded,” said Moreno. “But I can just tell you, from the grassroots work that we do inside schools and in the community, that we see it happening every single day.”

Read more via link . . .

For kids of Latino immigrants in Kansas City, being the family interpreter is an honor and burden

Across the U.S., thousands of children and young adults serve as informal interpreters for family members that don't speak English. Many of them find pride in being of service to their families, but experts worry that this pride may be masking more serious long-term effects.
