Dave Ramsey Explains Why Kansas City Unmarried Lady Shouldn't Have Shacked Up

As we've noted many times on this blog . . . Love & money don't mix.

Here's a local example from the top financial adviser in the nation . . .

"Untangling finances after a break-up can get messy, especially if there’s debt involved. Rachel, who lives in Kansas City, called into The Ramsey Show to explain how her breakup had left her facing potential bankruptcy . . . He believes Rachel is a “case study” on why people should never “buy a house with people you’re not married to.” Here’s why . . ."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

'Like taking poison and hoping he dies': Dave Ramsey says this Kansas City woman is a case study on why you 'don't buy a house with people you're not married to' - here's more

Untangling finances after a break-up can get messy, especially if there's debt involved. Rachel, who lives in Kansas City, called into The Ramsey Show to e...
