Clay Chastain Demands Settlment From Mayor Quinton Lucas

Apropos for #TBT . . . Here's the latest screed from a longtime & somewhat local transit activsit.

Chastain press release: A New Year's Celebration? The 30-year Cold War between KC's Gov't. & Activist Clay Chastain could end and could result in moving the City forward (in 2024) if Mayor Lucas does the right thing.

There is an on-going Freedom of Speech crisis in Kansas City. But where has the media gone? Gone speechless everyone. Thus, a lone citizen must step forward and inform the public of its right to know along with the possibility for a better future.

For decades, KC's Gov't. has struck down the People's Freedom of Speech (blocked their petitions, undermined their petitions and overturned their petition election). These past violations (of the people's freedom to petition) have now compounded into another violation,  Freedom of Speech against the Citizen who initiated those petitions. When a government denies freedom of speech to the people - it fears what the people want. When a government denies freedom of speech to a citizen - it fears what the citizen will say.

2-sides are now moving toward a great (legal) battlefield to see if freedom of speech "can long endure". The infamous incident that triggered this impending Gettysburg involved the City and Mayor Lucas stopping, arresting and (unsuccessfully) prosecuting Lucas' lone political opponent (Chastain) for trying to ask Lucas (during a City Hall hearing-Public Forum) why he refused to debate. Chastain has subsequently filed these charges against Lucas & the City:

#1. United States District Court @ Kansas City alleging 1st & 14th Amendment Constitutional violations.

#2. 16th Circuit Court @ Kansas City alleging malicious arrest & prosecution.

The City did, yet, another bad thing to me. It could prove costly before a jury.  But I am far more interested in helping Kansas City than sticking it to City Hall.

Here is how Mayor Lucas can reverse course, end this Cold War & perhaps work with his nemesis for the benefit of Kansas City:

First, the City admits it made mistakes with the petitions and Clay Chastain. The City offers me a reasonable out of court settlement and I withdraw both lawsuits against the City.

Second (this part is up to Lucas himself), Lucas and I make up and he brings me on-board (consulting engineer) to work together with him on a 2024 ballot initiative ("Operation Revival") to not only bring back KC, but also enable KC to be a role model for the Nation.

KC Activist, Clay Chastain 


Developing . . .
