Why Can't KCI Keep Walkways Working?!?

With the vital help of our blog community . . . TKC reports a fundamental flaw with Kansas City's new airport is NEARLY as bad as the Death Star having a de facto self-destruct switch. 


This is a bigger deal than scratches on the floor or the fact that it costs no less than 50 bucks to have lunch at the place. 


People with mobility issues rely on "moving walkways"and the news design of KCI is far more vast than the old airport and requires customers to cover a great distance. 

Clarification . . . This issue is separate but still related to one of our main gripes . . . That New KCI doesn't even have protected walkways from the parking lot to the terminal but weirdly and dangerously pushes travelers out into traffic. 

Now onto the  topic at hand . . .

The word from KICK-ASS TKC readers . . .

"As of 10:15 Friday, 1 out of four is down."

And so . . . Locals who need this path are out of luck. 

Remember . . . 

Well before the start of the Thanksgiving travel rush . . . We've consistently blogged the issue and even noted promises of a fix for this crisis in the making that hasn't yet earned a local news feature.

On Twitter . . . Other local newsies noted that KCI blames manufacturer error.  

Meanwhile . . . 

We notice that so many design flaws of new KCI are being downplayed and the promise of moving walkways has yet to be realized because the tech simply doesn't work in our widely celebrated cowtown facility.

To be fair . . . More optimistic denizens of our www.TonysKansasCity.com blog community tell us that the gender neutral restrooms seem to be doing just fine.

Developing . . .
