Upcoming AI Tech Turns Kansas City 911 Into An Even Worse Joke

Hold on to your hats . . . Pricey new tech isn't going to fix Kansas City's old & busted 911 system.

So . . . Seriously . . . Hold on.

Here's how the tragic story starts . . . Don't worry you'll have plenty of time to read the whole thing whilst minutes or maybe hours for help . . . Check-it:

For years, Kansas City, Missouri, has struggled to answer 911 calls quickly. Police and city officials hope a new, automated attendant feature could speed things up but the Kansas City Fire Department worries it might actually make things more complicated.

The fire department has a simple solution: “The best, economical and operational solution is for the KCPD to fully staff their current positions and add additional staff to meet the demand of their workload,” according to an internal KCFD memo.

The Mid-America Regional Council, which manages the technology and coordinates the regional 911 system, last month approved a contract with Motorola to install software that would drastically change what callers to 911 in Kansas City would hear. Instead of talking to a person, they initially would hear an auto attendant. Under the proposed system, callers would first hear a menu, for example: "Press 1 for police, 2 for fire, or 3 for EMS." The call would then be transferred to the appropriate call taker.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Kansas City Fire Department worries new 911 system could actually make wait times worse

The hold times for people calling for help from Kansas City Police at times have topped two minutes. Police hope a proposed auto attendant could help, but the fire department says the change would be less efficient for them.
