Trending: Jackson County Property Tax Bills Betray Assessment Agreements

The response from the Courthouse isn't impressive as taxpayers confront scary prices during the holiday season . . . Here's the story . . .

"Despite spending hours in appeals and securing agreements for lower rates, residents like Ellen Zellmer find themselves billed for the original higher amounts.

"Zellmer, after extensive paperwork and a formal agreement with the Board of Equalization signed on October 11th, was shocked to receive a bill $1,100 higher than expected . . .

"A spokesperson for Jackson County told KMBC that accounts with adjustments will receive new bills and updated information is available online.

"They claim to be unaware of any significant clerical errors in the billing process."

Read more via link . . .

'It's not just me': More confusion emerges regarding property assessments in Jackson County

Taxpayers in Jackson County are furious after they received outdated tax bills mailed to their homes.
