Kansas City Star Pulitzer Scribe Downplays Student Dousing Politico

This note deserves a bit of attention if only because it sparks an important question . . . 

Would the Kansas City Star scribe be sooooooooooo forgiving if the student offense didn't line up with her ideology?!?

Probably not . . . 

But the life lesson here SHOULD BE that political misdeeds are a bad look for young & old alike . . .


"The whole incident was captured on video by cameras in the school, and THE STUDENT immediately said that he was guilty. He has been charged with battery, but that charge will be heard before a 'youth court' — a diversion program he is very familiar with as a volunteer. His sentence of community service will be handed down by trained peers.

"After thinking about it for the last month, his family is only sharing what happened because they keep hearing that school board candidate Trisha Hamilton may be exaggerating the incident to voters, and 'using the incident' in her campaign, said THE STUDENT'S MOM 'never mind that what she stands for was causing distress in young queer kids, and never mind that she is seeking to remove the very resources that enable them to make it through their school experience with safety and confidence that people care about them and have their backs.'

'In our home, we have not taken the incident lightly,' she added. THE STUDENT 'understands the boundary that he inappropriately crossed while trying to make his statement.'

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

After 8th grader threw water on Blue Valley school board candidate, she filed charges | Opinion

Can't these two sit down and talk things out over a milkshake? From Melinda Henneberger:
