Kansas City Northeast Narcan Vending Debut

The nice term for dispensing anti-OD medication without any kind of prescription is "harm reduction" and it's an effort that will CERTAINLY help to save lives. 

However . . . 

It's also an OBVIOUS sign that the drug war and open border are allowing just about every opioid nightmare to weave itself into American life and create untold misery.

Of course, here's the bright side .  . .

"The strategic community partnership, largely forged by Laura Cardwell, Lead Street Ambassador for the Avenue CID, came together almost by accident when another Healing House alumnus offered a free vending box for the Narcan through Care Beyond the Boulevard. Healing House then stepped up and donated four cases of Narcan, equating to ninety-six life saving doses."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Agencies partner to offer free Narcan along the Avenue

Michael BushnellReporter What do you get when you combine the dynamic networking ability of the Independence Avenue Community Improvement District [...]
