Kansas City Bitter Cold Weather Season Of Homeless Advocacy Arrives

Locally . . . There's a great deal of concern about "low barrier" facilities that dump problems onto urban communities already shouldering a great deal of the burden for KCMO homeless.

However, in fairness, here's a glimpse at the cold weather full court press for even more accommodation and unfair class-warfare in the name of the "unhoused" against residents who have invested quite a bit in the urban core:

“We needed more coverage,”  Josh Henges, Homeless Prevention Coordinator for Kansas City, said. “We needed more beds, and we needed more geographic area covered in Kansas City so that we can meet the need a bit better. We know that there are large concentrations of homeless individuals. We want to make sure that we have beds there, but we also wanted to make sure that we have beds available in different parts of the city as well as beds specific to families and gender-specific beds as well.”

It makes up step five of Kansas City’s Zero KC plan to end homelessness – a repeatable extreme weather plan. Other priority projects include engaging with neighborhoods and business communities. It also increases cross-system collaboration.

“The investment is absolutely worth it and it’s key to remember in doing this is that the problem doesn’t just solve itself,” Henges said. “That’s not how it works. You’ve got to invest in it, and you’ve got to be really smart and savvy with how you invest in it.”

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Kansas City's homeless coordinator: "The goal has to be to end it" - Missourinet

In the battle to end homelessness, Kansas City is working to help those in need get shelter when Old Man Winter rears his ugly head. Josh Henges is the Homeless Prevention Coordinator for Kansas City. He told Missourinet that this isn't a new plan, but it takes time to get right.
