Homeless Junkies Occupy Lawrence, Kansas: Mass Street Now Rock Chalk Skid Row?!?

Even progressives seem worried about the fate of this college town enclave . . . Check-it:

She said the “homeless problem” was frequently framed as a consequence of the high cost of housing, but the reality was most of the homeless in Lawrence exhibited highly unstable behavior associated with illegal use of drugs.

“When we asked Lawrence police officers to help us understand these people’s erratic behavior, they explained that the ‘new meth’ was destroying people’s brains and rendering them almost incapable of functioning,” she said. “I believe that we need to openly, and without judgment, acknowledge substance use disorder as a core driver of homelessness, and work on it from that direction.”

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Lawrence business owners share frustration with surging downtown homelessness population - Kansas Reflector

Kansas Legislature's hearing on homelessness centered on an escalating problem in Lawrence of people with substance abuse and mental health challenges.
